- What is the meaning of the word philanthropy, and what types of activities are associated with it? How is philanthropy different from “charity” or “charitable giving.
- goodwill to fellow members of the human race
- charity is giving to those in need, but philanthropy is something done to better help humanity
- Find out about the philanthropic work of Andrew Carnegie, including the amount of money he spent and the types of projects on which he spent it. Why did he invest so much in philanthropy, and why he decided to spend his money in the ways he did?
- He was a philanthropist because he believed in the "Gospel of Wealth", which meant that the wealthy were obligated to donate some of their fortune. He spent his money to help with public education because he loved to read when he was younger, and remembered the generosity of an older man who let him read the books in his personal library.
- During Carnegie’s lifetime, the press called attention to philanthropic giving of his business rival, John D. Rockefeller. How did the two men’s giving compare?
- Rockefeller gave a total of roughly 500 million, which is more than the 350 million that Carnegie gave in his lifetime. Rockefeller donated his money towards medical and scientific research causes instead of education purposes like Carnegie did.
- What type of philanthropic work is the Carnegie Foundation involved with today? There are many different branches of Carnegie Foundation involved in philanthropic giving – be sure to note them all.
- The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
- Carnegie Dunfermline Trust
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Carnegie Foundation
- Carnegie Hall
- Carnegie Institution for Science
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
- The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
- The Carnegie UK Trust
- Carnegie Hero Fund Commission (US)
- Carnegie Hero Fund Commission (Belgium)
- Carnegies Belonningsfond for Heltemond (Denmark)
- Foundation Carnegie (France)
- The Fondazione Carnegie Per Gli Atti De Eroismo (Italy)
- Stichting Carnegie Heldenfonds (The Netherlands)
- Carnegie Heltefond for Norge (Norway)
- Carnegiestiftelsen (Sweden)
- The Carnegie Rescuers Foundation (Switzerland)
- The Carnegie Hero Fund Trust (UK)
- Who are currently considered major philanthropists? Find a current list and then choose one to focus on. Summarize what you are able to learn about that individual’s philanthropic giving.
- Chuck Feeney is a billionaire and he has given away 7.5 billion of his fortune. He originally did so in secret in order to not draw attention to himself. He created the University of Limerick solely himself and likes to go unnoticed.
- Imagine yourself as a philanthropist. What types of work would you invest in, and why?
- If I was a philanthropist, I would try to give my money equally to many different foundations and charities. There is not one individual charity that I would solely focus on so I would try to distribute my fortune evenly.
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