Analyzing Slave Narratives

Analyzing Slave Narratives

While reading slave narratives, I learned a lot about the nature of relationships between masters and slaves. Frederick Douglass discusses morality and religion in his narrative. "Why am I a slave? Why are some people slaves, and others masters?". Douglass poses these questions in his writing because he was always told that God knew what was best and right. It was hard for him to hear this because if this was so, then was it right for masters to so terribly abuse their slaves? He states that he watched his master cut the flesh off of Esther (who was his aunt) and he had to watch her cry so. Douglass believes that if God knows best, then how could he allow such awful things to happen? He also wonders why black people are the ones that were enslaved. Did God decide that they were inferior? He also discusses the fact that he knows blacks who are not slaves, so the decision of who becomes enslaved cannot entirely rest upon color and race. He states "Color, therefore, was a very unsatisfactory basis for slavery.". Another previously enslaved man, James Curry, writes about his lifetime being a slave. He explains that when he was a child, he would play with the masters children and they "loved another like brothers". The white children were eventually sent off to school, where they realized that slaves could no longer be their companions. At this point they were only viewed as slaves, and were whipped and abused by those who were once their friends. Harriet Jacobs shares a horrific story about what happened to a slave's body after death. It is said that he was treated with less respect than an old house dog and was buried in an old box with no thought. She also discusses the fact that women were thought to be of no value unless they had children who could also be enslaved. According to Jacobs, if a slave had resisted whipping, bloodhounds would be released on them to tear their flesh off the bone. She speaks of her master and says "He boasts the name and standing of a Christian, though Satan never had a truer follower". All of these excerpts from stories of the lives of slaves has allowed me to empathize with them in a way that I never had before. These stories paint an accurate story that has resonated with me because of how hard these experiences must have been for them. 

After this reading I have many questions. How did the slaves manage to do work while these conditions were so horrible? How did they keep their spirits up while terrible things were happening to them? What happened if slaves refused to work? Would they just be beat to death? 


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